Tuesday, August 4, 2020

psychological facts

Some phychological facts :
  • The human mind can maintain complete trust once for each person. Once broken it’s never the same.
  • Text messages make you more happy
  • There is always lack of people appreciation you find average 2 in hundred that's why upvoters always less than views make sense!
  • Content more than 200 words make 60% boredom to read and they leave in between.
  • People are more likely to cry at night because lack of sleep makes emotions hard to control.
  • People with black as favourite colour is more attractive and influential.
  • The human body recreates itself every six months. Nearly every cell of hair. Skin and bone dies and another is directed to its former place. You’re not who you were last January.
  • You’re more likely to achieve your goals if you keep them to yourself.
  • People like to listen their name so if you want to make your work done then speak their name frequently in conversation you will get result.
  • When you talk to yourself you’re actually making yourself ‘smarter.’
  • Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system.
  • People with the highest IQ stay up late at night because their brains have increased mental stimulation.
  • An instant change in mood from happiness to sad indicates that you’re missing someone.
  • Human behavioural studies suggest that a person who loses their cell phone experiences a panic similar to a near death experience.
  • That moment when you randomly feel depressed for no particular reason may indicate that you’re actually missing someone.
  • By thinking one positive thought every morning, you can psychologically trick your brain into being a happier person.
  • The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says. Negativity brings down your immune system.
  • If your mind wanders often, there is 85% chance that you’re subconsciously unhappy with your life.
  • The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.
  • People are generally more honest when physically tired. This is why people confess things during late night conversations.
  • Before sleeping, 90% of your mind begins to imagine the stuff you would like to happen.
  • The lyrics of your favorite song express everything that you struggle to say or express to others.

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