What can I do to increase my communication skills and confidence?

- Talk to mirror, be loud and expressive.
- Read literature, it will improve your language as well as vocabulary.
- Listen more, speak less.
- Observe people and situations.
- Dress well, well means neat and tidy not Gucci and Armani.
- Be aware not only about science and current affairs, but about anything in this world like movies, politics, fashion, awareness increases confidence and improves communication capabilities.
- Watch videos where experts interact with people, just watch their body movements specially hand movements and the way they use floor, practise this alone.
- When you speak, don't make it monotonous, try to interact, ask questions.
- When you don't have an answer, the best answer is “I will get back to you later", don't get nervous.
- Treat individuals and groups as just another human being and not his master’s voice.
- When you have low knowledge about a topic in discussion, let the other person speak first to get an insight of the topic.
- Accept that you can be wrong, there is no perfect scholar in this world because nothing is perfect. Be wrong but with grace!
- Take care of oral and dental hygiene to make your interactions less awkward.
- Communication must be humble, but with a pinch of firmness.
- Any new word you hear must be underlined in your dictionary.
- When you get on stage, remember the most important people in your life first.
- Communication improves with practise, start interacting more.
- Accept yourself as who you are to improve confidence level.
- Don't create unnecessary hype or give unneeded importance to an event or you will automatically be nervous.
- If you learn to laugh at yourself, nobody else would be able to laugh at you!
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