Saturday, August 15, 2020

Can you drop some wisdom here?


Can you drop some wisdom here?
  1. Never ask anybody to respect you. Respect is always earned.
  2. Religion has always been a hot topic because people fear death and religious philosophies help them in believing the continuity.
  3. Your philosophy has no value if your achievements tally sums up to 0.
  4. Never ask kids to follow your advises, kids are good at imitating so give them examples to follow.
  5. Intelligence doesn't always guarantee success just like beauty doesn't guarantee Love.
  6. People will always like you if you make them feel important and ‘wanted ', do it honestly otherwise don’t do.
  7. Nobody is fan of unstable emotions, anger, depression etc if you want to have a rich social circle then it's your responsibility to keep a stable and cheerful mental state.
  8. Men need love and emotional support more than just a beauty-doll. Women need freedom and Love more than just an ATM machine.
  9. At some point in life you want to live a lie because it's more pleasant than the truth.
  10. Environment(not referring to the mother nature) around you is very strong and influential, you need to keep changing in such a away that you keep growing.
  11. Looks do matter a lot, inner beauty comes second which people look for.
  12. People love what you can do for them - not for who you are.
  13. We all know change is the only constant but we all hate it - if it’s an abrupt change !
  14. World has very less people who are kind and even less who actually deserve kindness.
  15. Most couples are unhappy with their marriage, maybe it’s a fact not wisdom, in the long run - single-hood is the winner.

Thanks !

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