Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Improve your self confidence

  1. By reducing the level of importance given to other people.
  2. Accepting who I am, how I look and appreciating my parents for whatever I got from them.
  3. By not allowing a situation to become unnecessarily too important or overwhelming. (If not this than that, nothing can stop life)
  4. Knowing my weaknesses and accepting them as a part of life and using my strengths to deal with people.
  5. Not worrying about my communication skills or level of knowledge before interacting with people, I will speak what I know, how I want to, if you don't like go somewhere else.
  6. Making my failures my best friends and teachers, and not a matter of embarrasment.
  7. Not fearing embarrasment, embarrasment is a loss of a few moments, life is a collection of millions of moments.
  8. Not allowing people to be arrogant, rude or misbehave in any manner with me, it's a strict “no" however critical the situation would be.
  9. Expressing myself and not capturing emotions in the form of frustration in my mind.
  10. Channelising the enormous energy released from nervousness and anxiety towards performing and not fearing and shivering in different situations.
  11. Building a light wall of ego and self love around my persona, which creates a little self importance/superiority complex, eventually shaping a strong and confident personality. (I am what I am)
  12. Fear is the biggest killer of confidence, I have learned to face it, try facing it staring in eyes and see how much your confidence level is boosted. (Example public speaking, stage fright, talking to girls)
  13. Wearing clean clothes and shoes.
  14. I have never stopped learning, I learn from everything and everyone I see or know, knowledge gives you wisdom and the confidence to speak.

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