Sunday, August 30, 2020

truly happy?


What makes a person truly happy?
16 Things to Let Go to Live a Truly Happy Life

There are 5 principles that truly make someone happy:

#1 - Live your life the way you want to.

When you are totally free of trying to impress anyone and when you can do whatever you want to, when you want to, for whatever reason you want to do it, that is when you can be the master of your own fate.

You will finally be free of the social expectations and the expectations you have of yourself! But with that freedom comes a lot of responsibility.

Your life truly becomes your own and you can live it the way you think is best. You will learn more about yourself this way and step on the fast-track to happiness.

For ages people sought freedom even though it wasn’t always easier. But when we can take control of our own lives then happiness is in our own hands.

#2 - Worry less about things that don’t matter.

A lot of the joy in our day-to-day lives simply gets restricted by the stress and worries we put on ourselves.

It’s not that we aren’t happy to begin with and have to find happiness, but rather that we were happy and are restraining it right now with stress, worries, fear and anger.

When you realize that most of the things in life won’t kill you, that most of the worries and problems won’t be so bad, that you still have decades of your life left in front of you and that most things will not matter in the end, your happiness will come from within.

When you take it easier you give yourself room to feel joy! It has always been there but you worry too much to let it out. Take a deep breath and know everything will be okay.

#3 - Be grateful for what you have.

Gratitude and fear or anger cannot exist simultaneously. The only thing that can coexist at the same time with gratitude is joy.

Become grateful for what you have and that you are alive right here, right now. There is a magic to this world that you can only understand when you become happy with what you have.

It will show you that you do not need that much to be happy and that you could have been happy all along. It will reframe what matters and put it in a different light, making it easier for you to experience real joy.

#4 - Achieve personal success in what matters.

Chasing success, finding victories in the battles that matter and growing to become greater than you were before is closely tied to happiness.

Most of us are sadly chasing the wrong kinds of success because we never thought about what really matters to us. We chase and receive and then chase again, never reaching true bliss because every victory is not what we wanted.

It’s like we are sailing across the ocean without a map and then getting upset that we aren’t where we wanted to be.

Find out where you want to sail your ship first so you can experience the joy of getting closer to where you want to be.

#5 - Say ‘Yes’ to what scares you and ‘No’ to what bores you.

Getting outside your comfort zone and exploring who you are is frightening but freeing. It allows you to test your limits and remove some shackles that you thought you had.

You have done this before when you worked out more than you thought you could or when you finally asked that person out that you have been crushing on for months.

This is another form of freeing your mind from restricting beliefs!

When you do what you think you can’t it opens you up to more freedom, more possibilities and more power in your life, the same way as saying ‘No’ to things that do not interest you does.

Whether you say ‘Yes’ to what scares you or ‘No’ to what bores you, both strengthen your belief in yourself and your decisions. And when you have more power to match the responsibility of being free, you have more opportunities to truly live out that freedom.



What 10 things have you stopped doing in your life?
Struggling With Infertility? Stop Doing These 11 Things
  1. I stopped posting my life on social media’s I still post few quotes,memes and sometimes myself but I don’t post every update on my life
  2. I stopped taking pictures in my favorite outfits so that I can Wear them anytime anywhere in peace
  3. I stopped using dating apps, after discovering that most men on dating app are more interested in hook ups and it made me feel a little guilt cause I judged most of the guys by their looks than their bio /personalities
  4. I stopped using Facebook cause there isn’t much out there for me
  5. I cut out all my friends that I didn’t feel like we still had any thing in common
  6. I stopped being extra nice
  7. I stopped spending on things that I don’t really need, such as the newest iPhone or upgrading my phone when the one I am using is doing just fine
  8. I stopped gossiping
  9. I stopped judging people or taking sides when people or friends are fighting
  10. I stopped caring about who doesn’t like me or how people gonna think of me, and started asking myself if I am happy With the person I am at the moment

Thanks for reading

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Life lessons from Goddess Parvati.


What are the life lessons we could learn from Parvati?

 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺Life lessons from Goddess Parvati. 🌹🌹🌿🙏

Hindu God illustration, Brahma Parvati Ganesha Saraswati, Goddess  transparent background PNG clipart | PNGGuru
  1. Always be ambitious about your achievements.
  2. Be fully dedicated, if you love someone. Don't think about any third person.
  3. Don't show your ego to mens just because you are women. We can say that Parvati had proposed Shiva by hard penance or approached him first.
  4. Women have both soft & dynamic sides or phases. As Parvati, she manages the households. At the same time as Durga, she can show her fighting skills in battlefield.
  5. Don't be greedy about materialistic things or luxurious too much. Be adjustable & happy with limited things.
  6. Don't hesitate to take help your spouse or to help your spouse.
  7. Only physical look doesn't matters for both women & men. But the moral behaviour & character matters. Don't choose your life partner as per looks. That's why she had chosen Shiva.
  8. Be all rounder in all fields whether its cooking, fighting, arts, sports, music & so on. As a women always try to give your 100%. Be confident & energetic.
  9. Always try to be good or an ideal - daughter, sister, lover, wife, mother & finally a women.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Stimulate my intellect


How can I stimulate my intellect?

Do your hard work FIRST.

According to scientific research, the brain’s peak performance happens 2-4 hours after we wake up. Early work allows the brain to focus fully on the problem at hand, with fewer distractions, less inputs from our environment, and with fresh energy that we've gained from a restful night. Adjust your morning schedule so that you don't waste your peak hours doing things that don't require your complete focus:

  • Stay away from checking emails first thing in the morning.
  • Whenever possible, schedule meetings in the afternoon.
  • Make phone calls after lunch.
  • Listen to the news later in the day (while driving, for example) instead of first thing when you wake up.

Start each morning with this question: What is the one thing I am committed to completing today?

This question sets the tone to your day. It encourages you to think strategically about your life, it keeps you focused on your goals, it forces you to prioritize, and it serves as a personal promise to yourself. Here’s what you can do:

  • Put it in writing. Write it in big bold letters on a sheet of paper and hang it on your bedroom or bathroom wall.
  • Read it out loud as you start your day, and come up with an answer on the spot.
  • As you follow your daily schedule, make sure that you devote time to work on the one thing you've identified as important to you for that day.

Maximize your “in between” time.

Whenever you are walking, riding the bus or train, or driving to school or work, all that time adds up. Your total commute time in one 24-hour period can add up to several hours. Why not plan ahead so that you can maximize it to grow your imagination, help you learn new things, get strategic about how to achieve your goals? Instead of listening to the news or stressing out because you're stuck in traffic, queue up some podcasts to keep you alert, focused, and entertained. For example:

  • Optimize with Brian Johnson (condensed big ideas from the best books on optimal living and also micro classes on how to apply these ideas)
  • Achieve Your Goals with Hal Elrod (creator of The Miracle Morning, provides ideas to cultivate a morning routine and be productive early in the day)
  • Happier With Gretchen Rubin (a fun show led by bestselling author of "The Happiness Project" with small ideas you can apply to your life to exercise your happiness muscle)
  • Intelligence Squared (forum for debate and intelligent discussion on a variety of topics ranging from world politics to art to economics)
  • The Inquiry (a debate on a controversial topic in the news and 4 experts challenging each other with 2 views, for and against the topic)
  • Question of the Day (a show for people short on time and long on curiosity, with a lot of good humor in trying to answer the question at hand)

Always be in learning mode.

Don't get complacent as you grow older, and don't ever, ever think you know everything on a certain subject. There is always so much new material to learn, so teach your mind to be flexible and to grow. Create a habit for discovering new things by trying these things:

  • Set aside a small block of time every single day (start with 15 minutes, then increase up to one hour) to devote to learning something new.
  • Teach yourself a new skill, learn how to fix something that’s broken or to build something from scratch, research a topic that fascinates you, listen to a podcast on an interesting subject while you are driving or cooking or doing laundry, watch a foreign film and learn a few sentences in a new language, then practice saying them out loud.

Develop your critical thinking skills.

As we learn new things, we shouldn’t just take everything we see, hear, and read for granted. Instead, we should form our own opinions and ask ourselves why these things matter. Try incorporating the following habits:

  • Expose yourself to different points of view (f.ex., on world history, politics, literature, art, technology, etc.).
  • To better understand how things work, ask questions; not just questions that others can respond 'yes' or 'no' to; ask open-ended questions that begin with why and how.
  • Distill from all the information you gather what is important to you (based on your own personal goals, values, and priorities) and figure out what you can learn from it.

Take ownership of your free time.

It’s not that uncommon - at some point in our lives we have all let television, commercials, and social media control the way we spend the little free time that we have in the evenings. Instead of just giving in to passive forms of entertainment, why not plan what we want to do with our free time? Reclaim your evening hours to do what's important to you. For example:

  • Use an hour after dinner to do some strategic thinking. For example, if you're thinking of setting a particular goal for yourself, outline the steps you'll need to take so that you can get there in 6 months or a year. If you're working on a creative activity such as writing, composing music, painting, or on developing another craft, this is a great time for being bold, dreaming, and letting your creative mind take over.
  • Watch documentaries on the ancient worlds. YouTube has BBC and History Channel documentaries; start by searching the topics that interest you. To get started, check out British historian Bettany Hughes and her series called The Ancient Worlds to learn about everyday life in ancient Alexandria, Rome, and Athens. Another excellent 3-part series by the BBC is Ibn Battuta: The Man Who Walked Across the World.
  • Read books. It doesn't matter if they're fiction or non-fiction. What's important is that you feed your brain, learn new things, time travel, and absorb the life experiences of other people. If they're excellent storytellers, you will soon be drawn into their world so that you cannot put the book down. To start, check out recommendations on the best books of all time on Quora. Or download the Goodreads app to get recommendations, add books to your bookshelf, and track your progress.

Use Quora to start intelligent conversations.

To practice being an interesting conversationalist, you need to have something of value to contribute and you need to know who your audience is. Become an active member of the Quora community to get started, and create connections based on common interests and see where the conversation takes you.

  • Write comments on posts you liked to let the author know what you enjoyed reading, add your thoughts, contribute an original perspective on the topic.
  • Upvote an answer if you find it interesting, creative, or beneficial to you in some way.
  • Ask a question related to your work, your research, your hobbies, your interests, or your life.
  • Send a message to someone if you'd like to collaborate with them on a project, or simply to let them know how much their writing helped you to understand something better or to overcome a personal challenge.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Best way to live


What is the best way to live in the world?
  1. Stop ignoring the signs right in front of you,
  2. Keep doing what’s best for you ,
  3. Being reliant on someone is just another form of an attachment. Don’t put yourself through that,
  4. At the very core you’re energy. Stop killing it by killing yourself. Nurture your energy,
  5. Find three hobbies : One to keep you in shape, One to make you money & One to keep you creative,
  6. Once you decide to be mentally tough, advice from mentally weak people doesn’t matter,
  7. If you don’t supply the correct answer, the people seated next you will answer it ,
  8. Don’t exaggerate the size of your problems ,
  9. Break the stereotypes, break what’s expected,
  10. Learn to walk yourself through your feelings,
  11. Just Chill.!!

Secret to confidence


What is the secret to confidence?
4 Little Changes That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Self-Confidence |  by Shelby Leigh | a Few Words | Medium
  1. A disciplined life can makes you a confident person. Discipline gives you the chance to be the best version of yourself.
  2. You should take care of yourself. A study shows that people who are care for their both mental and physical health stay confident most of the time.
  3. You should boost your willpower by ignoring what people think about you. It's useless thinking. Please stop worrying about this.
  4. If you’re an introvert, spend some time for yourself to recharge.
  5. Buy some new clothes, it's very helpful to stay confident.
  6. Never fear to meet new people. Try to meet one new person every day.
  7. Study a great deal. Your knowledge helps you to stay confident all time.
  8. Never criticize anyone if the matters are not directly related to you, and stay calm.
  9. Applaud the achievements of others. Its really works.
  10. Meditate daily, at least five minutes at a time, regularly. It helps you a lot to stay calm cool and confident.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Ugly truths of life?


What are some ugly truths of life?

11 ugly and cruel truths in life:

Pin on alone cute girls pic. R

Many people, even if they work hard, are ordinary people all their lives. They can't realize their dream of making money and financial freedom.

1. Most people are still ordinary people and can not achieve financial freedom.

Many people, even if they work hard, are ordinary people all their lives. They can't realize their dream of making money and financial freedom.

2. Money is really important. Money can solve 99% of the problems, and the rest of the power can solve them.

50000 can make friends show their nature, 100000 can let the police try their best to help you, the dead in the mine only need to pay 200000 compensation, 500000 can end a marriage, a million property can make brothers turn enemies, 2 million can change hearts and kidneys. Ten million don't have to talk, because everything you say is truth.

Sometimes money can buy respect, affection, love, friendship and life.

Capital is solid and ugly, and people's heart is more ugly than capital.

3. Few people want you to have a good life.

In this world, in addition to a few of the closest people, such as family members and best friends, most people come to know about your recent situation. They just ask about it. They don't really want you to live a good and happy life.

Even if they just want to make sure that you're not having a good time, and if so, make sure you're not threatening, then they're relieved.

4. If you are not good, it is useless to know anyone.

It's not where you are, but whether you are strong or not. Only by making yourself strong can you get useful contacts.

5. There are a lot of things that are not going well in the world, but few things can be told. It is said that many people have difficulties.

6. Human nature can't stand the test.

Most of the time, we always want to test the sincerity of our friends and the loyalty of our lovers, but most of the time, the result will be disappointing.

How strong a vase is, I'm afraid you won't know until you break it. However, at that time, the vase is no longer the beauty in your eyes, only dilapidated.

7. Don't underestimate the evil of human nature; don't overestimate your position in the hearts of others.

The evil side of human nature is a bottomless abyss. It is hard for people to touch and imagine. Extreme examples will not be cited.

Everyone will have a lot of friends, whether ordinary friends or good friends, now most people like to be self righteous. It is very important to think that your position in other people's mind can't be shaken. But it's not necessarily true.

8. Success is a great deodorant that can take away so much of your past smell.

It's a little extreme, but it's very vivid. Generally speaking, success means everything is OK.

9. Poor and humble husband and wife are sad.

Literally, it means that couples or couples with weak economic foundation are always sad in their feelings and life. Love will be in daily worry about the life of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea.

10. Friends are all periodic.

At different times and places, we meet different people. Because of different moods, different dreams, we have made different people.

Because of time and distance, as well as the three outlooks and growth speed among friends, there is less concern and greeting from each other. The Three Outlooks no longer converge, and the growth speed of each other is no longer the same level line. Without the emotional foundation of friendship boat, the initial tacit understanding and friendship are weakened.

It's better to keep a normal heart and enjoy the good memories of friendship at each stage.

11. Gratitude is a rare quality that most people don't have.

There are too many people in this world who don't know how to be grateful. They all think it's reasonable for them to do everything well. They don't know how much time and experience they need to pay others behind the reason. Sometimes they don't have a word of thanks. They are selfish and only think about themselves.

This kind of person's real existence, and the most hateful is that this kind of person sends the friend circle unexpectedly to say that everybody should have the heart of gratitude.

These are some cruel truths, some of which are really hard to accept. It's not spreading negative energy, it's a better understanding of the world. Hope to inspire you.

If you think the answer is useful, please pay attention to me. Thank you

Reprogram the subconscious mind


What is the best way to reprogram the subconscious mind?
The Power Of The Subconscious | Birmingham Clinical Hypnotherapy
  • Your subconscious mind controls all the vital processes of your body and knows the answer to all problems, the moment you believe the power of your subconscious mind you find your all answers.
  • Ideas could be conveyed to the subconscious mind by repetition, conviction, and expectancy. If you suggest to your subconscious prior to sleep, “I want to get up at 4:30 A.M.,” it will awaken you at that exact time.
  • Oftentimes your conscious mind interferes with the normal rhythm of the heart, lungs, and stomach by worry & fear. But the moment, you speak with your subconscious mind with authority and conviction. It will get back to its normal state.
  • Keep your conscious mind busy with the expectation of the best. Your subconscious mind always manifests according to your thinking.
  • You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind. The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it.
  • The law of action and reaction is universal. Your thought is action, and the reaction is the automatic response of your subconscious mind to your thought. So, watch your thoughts!
  • Prior to sleep, turn over a specific request to your subconscious mind and prove its miracle-working power to yourself.
  • Your thoughts are more like a seed that you sow in your mind (garden) and you will only reap happiness when you put positive thoughts in your mind.

Please Up vote If Found Helpful

Thanks for Reading!!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What happens when your third eye opens?.


What happens when your third eye opens?.

1.     Mind eye is waiting for millennia to open, once it is open, it will revels all secrets of nature and its creation.

2.     Your sexual desire completed vanished and not only sexual energy, all desired will drop out.

3.     No one can attract you however you will be like magnet everyone will attracted towards you.

4.     Whatever thoughts comes while meditating on third eye, it will comes to true.

5.     For you whole physical existence will appear as virtual reality and there is no difference between dream and day life.

6.     you are blessed and enjoying Ananda which is beyond sweetness and sorrowness of duality life.

7.     When you keep on doing deep meditation on third eye, you will start pervading and realized your etheric body and can know ultimate reality.

8.     You will see very white color shower of light of lights which is essence of living life.

9.     People who will see in your eyes either gets hypnotized or his subtle body will gets vibrated.

10.If you are not dancing, then natural dance will start into you.

Opening of third eye (jnana netra) means enlightenment, which comes are receiving the true divine knowledge from the preacher. Like the following will give enlightenment in the angle of universality of God.

The same single God revealed Himself distinctly in different places, in different times and to different people in different forms. He granted the same enlightenment to all in different tongues [languages]. All those faithful attain salvation upon receiving the enlightenment. Those who fail to receive are subjected to the liquid fire in hell. This approach towards God makes Him unblemished. The God of all religions is one and the same. He may appear to be different due to differences in His approach to different people, in different times, in different forms and in different tongues. He nurtures all with same compassion.

The sea receives all the rivers in the same way, whether they are straight or curved. The devotion is important and not the religion or path. If the straight river becomes proud and mocks at the curved river, God will see that the straight river will never reach Him. By His will, people will build a dam on that river to divert all the water!

Everyone needs to follow the path assigned in his faith to attain salvation. Every religion has different levels of spiritual enlightenment. One should move up to the higher level for comprehension of the total enlightenment. Such enlightenment alone is the means of salvation.

These levels of enlightenment in each religion are similar to the levels of education. Different religions are similar to different language mediums. The content of the curriculum is same in all the language mediums. A pupil of a certain language should strive to reach higher levels of knowledge in the same medium of his choice. He is a pilgrim in pursuit of divinity. His medium is his opportunity. It is neither superior nor inferior to any other medium. He need not move on to another language medium to uplift himself. All the language mediums are different religions with different levels of knowledge.

A school student studying science in a particular medium (language) need not change his medium, because even if he changes, the syllabus will not change. He should strive to change his syllabus by raising his standard of knowledge and reach to college level in the same medium. The school and college levels exist in every medium. A school student does not become a college student just by changing the medium of his class. He becomes a college student only, when the level of his knowledge rises up. Similarly, a devotee of any religion should try to reach the higher spiritual level in his own religion. His spiritual level is not raised by changing his religion.

Every religion has the lower and higher levels of spiritualism meant for devotees of corresponding stages. Religion is the medium and spiritualism is the curriculum or syllabus with different levels (school level, college level etc.,) present in the same religion.

One shall strive to reach the higher levels of knowledge that are carved out in his own faith. No one needs to move on to another faith for higher level of knowledge for the will of final salvation. All faiths lead to the same destination. In any path, you will have to proceed vertically to reach the goal. At any point of your path, if you travel horizontally, you will reach the same point of level in another path, which is a waste. The realization of this truth alone ensures harmony among different faiths of the world. Failure to perceive the truth will not make anyone enlightened.

Chitra Cherweroyar



Everything falls apart?


How do you turn your life around when everything falls apart?

Step 1 - Acceptance.

The absolute first thing you must do is accept your situation.

Things are falling apart. You are not doing well. You failed, made a mistake or just got unlucky. Regardless of what is happening to you, understand that it is happening and accept it.

All of the denying, wishing for it to be different and all the complaining will do nothing for you.

I know this step is hard; it always is. But the sooner you can accept your current situation the sooner you can move out of it. You will have to accept it at some point anyway, so you might as well save yourself a lot of heartache and stress by accepting it as soon as you can.

Step 2 - Feeling.

Once you have accepted the situation it is time to feel into it.

This is the only time where you are allowed to cry, feel negative, complain, hate, despair and frustrate about your situation. After this step we are done with that; so you better get it all out now.

The reason we are actively taking this step is so that you can deal with those emotions too. Of course you feel angry, scared and frustrated. That’s okay. What is not okay is taking those feelings with you for the next weeks, months or years and letting them stop you from making things better.

Take some time right now, sit down, and allow all the emotions through. Be as negative as you want, complain as much as you can, and cry your heart out.

Denying the emotions won’t make them go away, and it is easier to accept your situation when you accept the emotions that go along with it. Plus, you always feel more relieved after letting them all through.

Step 3 - Planning.

Alright, now that it is all out, it’s time to plan. What now? Your life is falling apart, it is making you feel horrible, what will you do about it?

Assuming that everything is out on the table, assuming you looked as far down as possible, the only left is to go up.

You are smart enough to figure out what you can do about the situation you are currently in, but you have to actively sit and think about it. It’s not going to get better on it’s own, and the actions you have taken thus far have lead you here; mindlessly repeating them will just get you the same things. If you do not plan you will simply go back to your old routines.

Take this one problem at a time and go from the most important to the least important. Start with what, if you were able to get it, would turn your life around on it’s own. Example: Would $1,000,000,000 change it all? Would Happiness, Purpose or Passion change it it all?

Look for the simplest, most effective, most straight-forward solution. It will not be the easiest, but that’s not the point right now. The point is to get you to think about change.

Once you know what, if you could get it, would change everything, try to divide it into smaller steps. Ideally you want this to be something you can execute daily in very small steps.

The point here is that you plan as much as possible regarding what you can do about it and what would change things without a doubt. That way, when you try these things, you are confident it will make a difference and will largely prevent you sinking further into chaos.

Step 4 - Execution.

Do something. Do anything. But just do it.

This step is the most important but also the most difficult.

At the end of the day, this is what it boils down to though. No matter how much you accept, feel or plan, if you do not execute anything, if you do not act, nothing will change.

One step at a time. One day at a time. Even just 5 minutes in a day, is enough to turn it all around. But you have to do it.

In the step above we talked about the few, big things that would turn it all around. We are trying to divide those up into the tiniest actionable steps we can. These steps should feel so easy that they are almost mindless.

Example: If you want to grow your skills be increasing your knowledge, read 1 page a day.

It’s not a lot, and you do not have to do more. The point here being that as long as you do something you are progressing further than you have been. Remember that it is not about taking the step; it’s about taking a step more than you did yesterday. Do not compare to others, compare to your older self.

It was your older self that got you into this mess, meaning if you do a little more than that self chances are very high you will be in a very different situation soon.