Friday, October 23, 2020

Yourself a happy person

Why shouldn’t I?

It’s a matter of choice. I have so many reasons to be happy…

  1. First, I’m alive and well. The air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink. The places I travel to. I love traveling. The nice people I meet. The people who smile back at me when I smile at them. The new friends I make. I’ve nothing to complain about.
  2. I have more blessings to thank God for than I have reasons to complain. Which leaves me with more than a couple of reasons to smile and be happy.
  3. I have good friends and family to share life with. Therefore I make sure I’m not lonely. I could sometimes choose to be alone—out of necessity, but I’m never alone. This is something to be happy about.
  4. I love what I do. Although I’ve realized that money can sometimes buy happiness, this is not my main reason to be happy. In fact, most of the time I’m happy whether I have money or not.
  5. Heck, I could make money right here as I tell you this. Not that I care so much about money, anyway, but all the same I could make money just by doing what I do. By the moment you read this, I could make money—In ways, you won’t believe even if I told you.
  6. “Share the love”, the slogan goes. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Why? Because by sharing you release what you already have and create room for more. This is a simple principle that has been passed on for centuries. When you hoard, you leave no space to receive more. When you stack up things you no longer need, pressure starts to mount inside your brain and you’re no longer at peace with yourself. By giving you become lighter and happier.
  7. I have chosen one of the most life-fulfilling occupations in life; impacting others positively. This is one of my greatest reasons to be happy.
  8. Secondly, I enjoy sharing what I have and what I know. Most people actually believe that because knowledge is the key, it should be guarded fiercely. I am of a different opinion. Knowledge is something to be shared freely. That’s what keeps me happy.
  9. I have a good education but this is not my main reason to be happy. I’m happy when I share the knowledge I’ve gathered over the years. I’ve noticed that the more knowledge I share, the more of it I get and, therefore the happier I get.
  10. I have a beautiful wife who cares about me and I care about her. Together, we have a wonderful family comprising of a bunch of teenagers who are just beginning to learn about life. It was a wonderful experience watching them grow to where they are. At first, we were scared they would discover too much about the dark side of life and probably choose to do the wrong things, but we are relieved to notice that they all chose a good path for themselves. We consider ourselves blessed.
  11. One of the happiest moments of my life was when I fired my boss many years ago and chose a different path for myself. I chose freedom over job security. I chose to deliver value instead of trading my time for money. I chose to share knowledge rather than hoard it. I chose entrepreneurship over employment.
  12. The greatest moment of my life was when I discovered that I can create happiness for myself and others just by maintaining a positive mental attitude. More importantly, I discovered that I could actually decide to be happy or sad.
  13. There’s so much sadness in the world you can even touch it. In this bottomless gloom, I think it's great to be happy. One single happiness amid intense sadness is like lighting a candle in intense darkness. Despite all the darkness in the world, it can never put out a single candle. Imagine what impact it would make if ten people were happy. Imagine a thousand happy people. Imagine a million happy people. Imagine a billion happy people. And now imagine what would happen if all the 7.7 billion people in the world were happy.
  14. Since I’ve given you enough reasons why I consider myself a happy person, now it’s your turn. Happiness is contagious. Choose happiness and influence the world around you. Choose sadness and make the world around you sick.

Monday, October 19, 2020

“I have low self esteem”


What screams “I have low self esteem”? And why?


In the realm of relationships, both personal and professional, very little displays a lack of self-confidence in one`s self more than neediness or clinging.

When you `need` someone to make you feel better about yourself, you are effectively putting that person or people up on a pedestal and lowering yourself to a level of subordination.

The reason why so many men and women fail in finding love and attracting a decent partner into their lives is that they are looking to something external to provide them with validation of their existence and to give them an identity.

But, when you do this, you are giving away your power and putting your self-worth on very precarious ground because when you are rejected or shunned you will equate the rejection with your character, which leads to depression, anxiety, self-destructive habits, and, in the worst-case scenarios, suicide.

And none of this is necessary, at all!

What you need to do is view your relationships as accessories, not attachments.

They should enhance your life, not be the sole reason for your existence!

I`m not advocating a solitary life in the woods, but you should `want` a relationship, as opposed to `needing` one.


Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one!

Yet, far too many of us take needless exception to the thoughts, words, and actions of others and blow them way out of proportion.

A person with healthy self-esteem would take the opinion of another as simply that, an opinion, and, while not agreeing or liking what was expressed, would disagree calmly whilst not belittling the person in the process.

But, what do most of us do?

We fly right off the handle, seeing a dissenting point of view as a personal attack and a call to arms for us to defend our territory with every means at our disposal!

This can only lead to petty arguments, physical assault, and years of begrudging someone because of a few misplaced or careless words.

The sad part about all of this is that what happens in the here and now, whether it be good or bad, won`t matter in five, ten, twenty, or even a hundred years from now.

So, why get bent out of shape and give away your happiness for something that has little importance in the grand scheme of things?

Scarcity mindset

One of the simplest ways to judge someone`s level of self-esteem is to witness their behaviour in adverse conditions.

Anyone can be happy, positive, and upbeat when everything is going their way.

But, how do they cope when everything turns to shit?

The person with low self-esteem will bemoan their station in life, cursing and deriding everything and everyone around them and letting the situation dictate their thoughts and actions.

On the other hand, people with high self-esteem realize that life doesn`t move in a constant, upward trajectory.

It can be roses one day and stinking manure the next.

This is how life is!

They understand that with the good comes the bad and vice versa and that they will just do the best that they can in the circumstances presented.

Alone vs. Lonely

We are all designed to be social beings.

Therefore, it can be particularly challenging when we go through periods where we have little choice but to do things on our own.

The default reaction is to feel lonely and crave human contact in some way, shape, and form.

Yet, this comes from a place of neediness, which I have mentioned earlier.

Such people have so little self-esteem that the very thought of ostracization is anathema to them and they would rather walk on broken glass.

But, the truth is you are simply alone.

Confident people value their time alone.

They see the precious hours, days, weeks, months, or even years, that they have to themselves as valuable space for personal development and time to catch up on any pressing matters.

Because they value their alone time, the times that they spend with and around others is a bonus and only adds to the pleasure they already feel when they are alone.

Poor posture

Have you ever seen someone walking down the street like they just lost the lottery?

More than likely, these people are simply down on themselves.

Their shoulders are hunched.

Their gaze is down.

Their pace is lethargic.

Their whole demeanour screams `low self-esteem`.

Life has punched them in the face and they are down for the count.

If you are one of these people, get off the canvas!

Sure, life isn`t always peaches and cream, but you only have a certain amount of time on this big, blue ball.

Take the bad with the good.

It`s a cycle: you are either going in a storm, going through a storm, or coming out of a storm.

Just get through it!!

Whatever it is!!

Do you want to know the quickest way to get more confidence?

Stand tall.

Pull your shoulders back.

Stick your chest out slightly.

Walk with a purpose.

No, doing so won`t solve all your problems.

But, neither will dwelling on them!!

At the very least, you`ll look and feel more confident and other people will notice the change too.

Thanks so much for reading!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Difficult situations in yourself


How do you help yourself in difficult situations?
  1. Sometimes it’s better to be alone. You’re then, doubly assured that no one would hurt you,
  2. The process is more important than the outcome. Don’t forget you’re about to reach the destination . Enjoy the journey,
  3. Better pick yourself up & brush yourself off everyday. Believe in your instincts,
  4. We experience unseen pain after getting knocked down by life & the circumstances. But be 200% sure , you’ll get up ,
  5. Just keep walking. It’s better to get lost moving on than to get stuck & stranded broken . Don’t Quit,
  6. Become better & you’ll attract better,
  7. End your day with a positive thought. Though the going is tough tomorrow brings fresh opportunities to make it better,
  8. Don’t regret the things you’ve done, regret what you didn’t do when you had the chance,
  9. Keep company of people who love you, inspire you, motivate you, wish you well , make you happy. Allow others to leave,
  10. Sometimes it’s better to be silent. Don’t reveal your pain . People will hear you but not understand you,
  11. Chase your dreams not people. Avoid getting stressed about love. Not everyone has the same heart as you,
  12. Take care of yourself. You’re not supposed to have your whole life figured out yet . Everything will work out,
  13. Never hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you or you’ll lose yourself,
  14. One day you’ll laugh so much that you’ll forget you were ever seared with scars ! ----------------------------------Acknowledge the Situation Sometimes people try to stay in denial when they face a tough situation. However, the longer you try to avoid the problem, the longer it will take to address it Acknowledge the situation exists, regardless of how you feel about it. Be prepared to face the situation head on so you can get through it. Even if you can’t change the situation, acknowledging it can help you accept it and move on. Develop a Plan Brainstorm potential ways to deal with the situation. You’re likely to have more options than you might think. Spend time thinking about how you can respond to a tough situation. Even if you can’t fix it, you can develop a plan to cope with it. For example, determine who you can call on for support and how you can keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Seek Help When Necessary Asking for help can be a sign of strength and courage. Don’t be afraid to look for help in a variety of ways to help you cope with a tough situation in life. Change What You Can Identify what is within your control and resolve to make change. For example, if you got fired because your boss was unfair, don’t waste your time dwelling on your anger. Instead, take action and begin applying for new jobs as soon as possible. f you can’t change the situation, you may be able to change your attitude. For example, if you’re dealing with a death of your grandfather, you can’t do anything to bring him back. However, you can change how you choose to view the situation. Although it’s unlikely you can suddenly change your attitude over night, you can change it over time. It is a process that takes hard work. However, simply recognizing that you can use an attitude adjustment can go a long way to creating change. Identify What You Can’t Change Don’t waste time and energy trying to change things you can’t change. You can’t change anyone else and you can’t change your past. Spending too much time thinking about and wishing things were different won’t do any good. Develop Coping Skills to Deal with Your Feelings Just because you acknowledge a situation is unfair, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Dealing with sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment is tough business. Develop a plan to cope with all those difficult feelings. Resign to take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting exercise, and getting adequate amounts of rest. Find strategies to deal with complex feelings, such as spending time with loved ones, journaling, or participating in fun activities. Focus on What You Can Gain Usually something good can come out of even the worst situations. Focus on what you might gain for having survived a tough situation. Perhaps, you’ll come out of it a stronger person or maybe you’ll have learned a valuable life lesson. Whatever it is, try to view the situation as a learning experience that will help you in some way later in life.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Saddest truth about smart people


What is the saddest truth about smart people?

1. They always think that they should do higher-level things, so they ignore the basics and practice. In this case, they always avoid some basic issues to prevent their ignorance from being exposed.

2. Without the correction of their parents or mentors in the early days of their lives, they will become arrogant, look down on others, and do not respect others, which makes people dislike and avoid them; on the other hand, they feel much more inferiority than ordinary people in front of failure.

3. They have unique sensitivity and are easily over-excited. Genius is often accompanied by madness.

4. They think too much and too complicated.

They can always associate the underlying meaning from the literal meaning, so that they are more tired than others in everything; they tend to be hesitant and miss the best time.

5. They get bored easily.

When a project, a relationship, or a person stops stimulating their brains, they feel that it's done. Therefore, they rarely stick to the end and often accomplish nothing.

6. It’s difficult for them to give and express love.

They are not sensitive to subtle things. Generally speaking, in relationships, they tend to ignore the hidden problems until they become too big to ignore. Because at any given time, they always have too many ideas in their minds, it is difficult to truly sympathize with others or feel sympathy.

7. They often feel lonely and depressed, and may even have no friend.

They tend to be alone and imprisoned themselves in a state of depression when something happens, which leads to deeper depression.

8. People have too much expectations of them.

Must they meet all people's expectations? These pressures may overwhelm them, because they are not machines.

10 laws of manhood


What are your 10 laws of manhood?

1. Take care of your health first

  • Health is wealth , off course

2. Do hard workout in the morning

  • It will make you feel good and stress free
  • You will glow
  • You will have high energy and confidence level.

3. Play chess and sudoku

  • It will make your mind sharp
  • Your focus will increase

4. Don't argue with anyone

  • You can not win but will lose respect

5. Have clear goal and priorities

  • You will achieve success soon
  • Set your task according to its priority
  • And always follow

6. Smile, you will better and others too

  • No matter you are in worry , just think about your good memories and whatever that make you happy instantly

7. Don't force your girl to do what you want, never

  • Learn to protect your relationship
  • But don't try to make everyone happy around you, you can't.
  • Live your life and let your girl live her life
  • Trust her, love her and she will give you back same.
  • Communication is very important.

8. Always live clean ,No matter you are at home. Be gentleman and be clean

  • Wear good cloths that looks great on you
  • Learn basic knowledge of fashion, it is important.
  • Have skin care routine. Night and morning.
  • Drink lots of water, not more than 3l

9. Try to be emotionless , yeah it is difficult but try to not act when you are in anger

  • Don't be very excited on everything
  • Don't be very happy before happening something
  • Just try to live neutral

10. Save your money invest your money then gi e your money

  • Save emergency amount in your home
  • Invest your money
  • Then if you want to feel the real happiness then give it to needy.
  • Set your future plan.

Bonus point. Journaling, is very important to make your mind clean so yeah have a daily journal.

Intelligent and Amazing


How are some people so intelligent and amazing? How can I become as smart as them?

  1. Always be willing to learn. Always be willing to adapt. Always be willing to work on yourself.
  2. Always be yourself. Don’t mimic anyone. Intelligent people don’t mimic much.
  3. Know your own limits. Knowing your shortcomings will make you smarter. Learn to work with them or around them. This is what makes you unique.
  4. Intelligent people value structure and logic. They always want to learn how to how to make sense of things. Start asking questions. Start solving problems. Make them digestible and easy to understand. “Everything that can be said, can be said clearly.” - Ludwig Wittgenstein
  5. Intelligent people also value good expression - a kind of elegance to words that can only be crafted with time. Have an opinion, develop it and see how far you can get. This is intelligence in action.
  6. Tying into no. 5, awareness is key. How do you see things? How do you even wake up in the morning? What are the first thoughts running through your mind? Are there even any thoughts?
  7. Find your own passions. Find your own curiosity. Find your own direction. Find your own character. It’s the only way for people to view you as “smart and amazing”.


Good habits


What are daily good habits?

  1. Spending time with your loved ones.
  2. Writing three things that you are grateful for in the morning.
  3. Taking a cold shower.
  4. Scribbling down your thoughts and ideas in the journal.
  5. Meditating and exercising.
  6. Greeting at least one stranger on the street.
  7. Reading a book or newspaper.
  8. Planning in advance for the next day.
  9. Drinking 2 litres of water daily.
  10. Keeping the social media usage minimum.
  11. Laughing and making others laugh.
  12. Wearing neat and tidy clothes.
  13. Visualizing your future and recalling your dreams before you fall asleep.
  14. Affirming good things about yourself.
  15. Getting adequate 6–7 hours of sleep.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Identify intelligent people


How can you identify intelligent people?

1. They don't talk as much as you, because they know they got smart by listening.

2. They know lots of things other than what they're specialised in. Theirs is the gift of a broad mind, constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing.

3. They juggle home, work and personal interests with dexterity and never fall back on the tired old refrain about "work life balance". And when they're juggling, they somehow manage to seem 100% engaged with what they're doing, on all fronts simultaneously, even though you know they're taking appropriate steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are perfectly, serenely balanced.

4. They probably do social media. Not always, but probably. It is not only another chance to listen, but one they use to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise wouldn't have come across.

5. Even when things go very badly wrong, they'll be smiling. Smart people never get ruffled because their smart brains present them with alternatives faster than the bad stuff can happen.

6. They know they are usually the smartest person in the room, but they don't spend their time dwelling on that. Instead, they take it as a personal challenge to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room too.

7. If they are managers, they will make every effort to get people smarter, more connected and more popular than them in their teams. They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic. They also make sure that their smart people get to look smarter than them for the same reason.

8. They have hidden skills that never get rolled out until they're needed. They don't have any need to show their full capabilities for reasons of proving they're better than others.

9. They may or may not have expensive educations. You'd never know, just by being with them unless you had their CV in front of you.

10. They never, ever, under any circumstances, make you look stupid, even though it would be easy to do so. They've learnt through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is you look bad yourself.

Now you should know who the smart people are. If you want to be the smart one, let me give you this extra advice from Steve Jobs "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."

Biggest misconception about life


What is the biggest misconception people have about life?

1. Life is Hard

This may be true for the majority of people, but not true for all the people. The main motivation behind this belief is that the majority of people are born into poor or middle-class families, therefore the experience they have is one of financial struggle from their youth.

That is not true for people born into rich families who have experienced neither hardship nor poverty.

Of course, in life, we have to sometimes face awful circumstances all the time like famine, war, violence, abuse, and death, but these are normal circumstances of life and don’t mean that life is hard.

2. Everything happens for a Reason

The way we like to comfort ourselves is that “there is a purpose to everything in life”. Of course, destiny or fate is such a comforting idea to toil with as food for thought, especially when things don’t go our way, and in some cases, it may be true in that one thing may lead to another, but this is hard to prove.

The misconception seems to emanate from the age-old ‘law of cause and effect’, propagated by economists and scientists for centuries, and in some cases, that’s how things seem to go.

However, in real life, the end doesn't always justify the means and there are many things in life that happen for no reason at all. Some of these things may be good while some may be bad, but they happen not because they were planned to happen. There is simply no explanation of why they happen.

3. Some things happen by Luck

When the way things happen seems to be too much of a coincidence, people tend to quickly credit or blame ‘luck’. This comes from an age-old belief but there is no proof that luck does exist.

On the contrary, most things tend to go wrong and this doesn’t prove that they happen due to bad luck or otherwise.

As a matter of fact, an entire gambling and betting industry is built around this misconception, which goes to show how far people can go to build their lives on a misconception.

4. Life was better in the Past

This common misconception seems to emanate from an economic perspective but this is only because economic factors play the biggest role in our lives today than they did in the past.

Actually, life is better economically today, there are more millionaires in the world, and there are more opportunities today than there were in the past.

The misconceptions come from people’s spending habits today compared to the past. More people are spending more money on consumption than they are in savings and investment, therefore their net wealth has been declining over the years.

5. People get what they deserve

This misconception makes the assumption that there is a cause and effect. Although it makes sense for things to happen as a consequence of actions, people may not always get what they deserve. In fact, people who have done some bad things sometimes do get away with it, while some seemingly innocent people may suffer consequences for which they were not responsible.

Sometimes, people face terrible things even though they do not deserve it.

6. The rich are rich because they just got lucky.

According to random studies on self-made millionaires, only 8% say they accumulated their wealth because of random good luck. 92% say random good luck had nothing to do with their wealth. While this 92 % acknowledged that luck was a factor in the accumulation of their wealth, it was a different type of luck called "Opportunity Good Luck."

This means that these 92% attribute their success to a combination of factors including hard work, opportunity, persistence, and habits. They also attributed their success to a “never quit and never give up spirit”, even when they failed.

27% of these people failed at least once in business but picked themselves up quickly, and figured out what went wrong, and tried again.

7. Everything happens for a good reason

Things don’t always happen for the good. This is just a way of looking at life positively and to encourage ourselves but is not true for everyone.

There are many unfair things happening all around the world. People aren't killed for a good reason. People are not killed in road accidents for a good reason. Don't assume the events of catastrophic proportions that take place in the world daily are always for good.

8. Marrying will change my Life

Finding a good soulmate to share life is good but don’t assume that it will change your life. In fact, they may or may not change your life.

Marrying a lifetime partner will not change life for everyone. In fact, this depends on the contribution of effort and that of your partner that you bring into the relationship.

Clinging onto the idea that a person will come in your life and all your miseries will just come to an end is too naive. It may or may never happen.

9. Opportunities come But Once.

This is simply not true. Opportunities may come many times in your lifetime, but you may fail to recognize them if your mental faculties and abilities are not properly tuned to be ready for them and grab them.

Sometimes you might even see them, but fail to take advantage due to lack of readiness or lack of money or some other factors beyond your control.

10. "Life will Work for the Better”

This will only work if you work it. The challenges of life are many and you can’t just leave it to chance. The struggles of a 20-year-old compared to a 40-year-old are not the same.

For example, a 20-year-old may have an advantage in accumulating wealth than a 40-year-old because the 20-year-old has more time on his/her side if they start early, but it won't necessarily get them anywhere if they don’t work for it.

11. Money does not buy happiness

You must have heard this from your grandmother a thousand times while growing up, so it’s nothing new.

As I remember, each time I was broke with a mountain of bills to pay I found myself miserably sad and depressed.

However, the moment money came into my hands, I always thought it was a miracle from God. Not to mention how my mood would change suddenly, and if you had met me during one of those times you’d think I had won the lottery. My face would be beaming with sheer happiness and I would be smiling to everyone I meet, even complete strangers.

12. Some People were born Luckier than others.

The belief that some people are born luckier than others seems to have been passed on for generations and seems to get stronger by the day.

I don’t know where this age-old fallacy came from but in my life, I’ve been privileged to see people who were quite disadvantaged judging from the places and circumstances where they were born, turn the tables around and defy this belief.

In fact, I’ve seen people born into utter poverty turn the tables around by working hard, and become some of the richest people in the neighborhood. Ok, maybe they didn’t work as hard as I thought but the more they worked hard, the more they seemed to get lucky.