Friday, October 9, 2020

Intelligent and Amazing


How are some people so intelligent and amazing? How can I become as smart as them?

  1. Always be willing to learn. Always be willing to adapt. Always be willing to work on yourself.
  2. Always be yourself. Don’t mimic anyone. Intelligent people don’t mimic much.
  3. Know your own limits. Knowing your shortcomings will make you smarter. Learn to work with them or around them. This is what makes you unique.
  4. Intelligent people value structure and logic. They always want to learn how to how to make sense of things. Start asking questions. Start solving problems. Make them digestible and easy to understand. “Everything that can be said, can be said clearly.” - Ludwig Wittgenstein
  5. Intelligent people also value good expression - a kind of elegance to words that can only be crafted with time. Have an opinion, develop it and see how far you can get. This is intelligence in action.
  6. Tying into no. 5, awareness is key. How do you see things? How do you even wake up in the morning? What are the first thoughts running through your mind? Are there even any thoughts?
  7. Find your own passions. Find your own curiosity. Find your own direction. Find your own character. It’s the only way for people to view you as “smart and amazing”.


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