Saturday, October 17, 2020

Difficult situations in yourself


How do you help yourself in difficult situations?
  1. Sometimes it’s better to be alone. You’re then, doubly assured that no one would hurt you,
  2. The process is more important than the outcome. Don’t forget you’re about to reach the destination . Enjoy the journey,
  3. Better pick yourself up & brush yourself off everyday. Believe in your instincts,
  4. We experience unseen pain after getting knocked down by life & the circumstances. But be 200% sure , you’ll get up ,
  5. Just keep walking. It’s better to get lost moving on than to get stuck & stranded broken . Don’t Quit,
  6. Become better & you’ll attract better,
  7. End your day with a positive thought. Though the going is tough tomorrow brings fresh opportunities to make it better,
  8. Don’t regret the things you’ve done, regret what you didn’t do when you had the chance,
  9. Keep company of people who love you, inspire you, motivate you, wish you well , make you happy. Allow others to leave,
  10. Sometimes it’s better to be silent. Don’t reveal your pain . People will hear you but not understand you,
  11. Chase your dreams not people. Avoid getting stressed about love. Not everyone has the same heart as you,
  12. Take care of yourself. You’re not supposed to have your whole life figured out yet . Everything will work out,
  13. Never hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you or you’ll lose yourself,
  14. One day you’ll laugh so much that you’ll forget you were ever seared with scars ! ----------------------------------Acknowledge the Situation Sometimes people try to stay in denial when they face a tough situation. However, the longer you try to avoid the problem, the longer it will take to address it Acknowledge the situation exists, regardless of how you feel about it. Be prepared to face the situation head on so you can get through it. Even if you can’t change the situation, acknowledging it can help you accept it and move on. Develop a Plan Brainstorm potential ways to deal with the situation. You’re likely to have more options than you might think. Spend time thinking about how you can respond to a tough situation. Even if you can’t fix it, you can develop a plan to cope with it. For example, determine who you can call on for support and how you can keep going even when you don’t feel like it. Seek Help When Necessary Asking for help can be a sign of strength and courage. Don’t be afraid to look for help in a variety of ways to help you cope with a tough situation in life. Change What You Can Identify what is within your control and resolve to make change. For example, if you got fired because your boss was unfair, don’t waste your time dwelling on your anger. Instead, take action and begin applying for new jobs as soon as possible. f you can’t change the situation, you may be able to change your attitude. For example, if you’re dealing with a death of your grandfather, you can’t do anything to bring him back. However, you can change how you choose to view the situation. Although it’s unlikely you can suddenly change your attitude over night, you can change it over time. It is a process that takes hard work. However, simply recognizing that you can use an attitude adjustment can go a long way to creating change. Identify What You Can’t Change Don’t waste time and energy trying to change things you can’t change. You can’t change anyone else and you can’t change your past. Spending too much time thinking about and wishing things were different won’t do any good. Develop Coping Skills to Deal with Your Feelings Just because you acknowledge a situation is unfair, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt. Dealing with sadness, anger, frustration, and disappointment is tough business. Develop a plan to cope with all those difficult feelings. Resign to take care of yourself by eating healthy, getting exercise, and getting adequate amounts of rest. Find strategies to deal with complex feelings, such as spending time with loved ones, journaling, or participating in fun activities. Focus on What You Can Gain Usually something good can come out of even the worst situations. Focus on what you might gain for having survived a tough situation. Perhaps, you’ll come out of it a stronger person or maybe you’ll have learned a valuable life lesson. Whatever it is, try to view the situation as a learning experience that will help you in some way later in life.

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