Friday, October 9, 2020

Saddest truth about smart people


What is the saddest truth about smart people?

1. They always think that they should do higher-level things, so they ignore the basics and practice. In this case, they always avoid some basic issues to prevent their ignorance from being exposed.

2. Without the correction of their parents or mentors in the early days of their lives, they will become arrogant, look down on others, and do not respect others, which makes people dislike and avoid them; on the other hand, they feel much more inferiority than ordinary people in front of failure.

3. They have unique sensitivity and are easily over-excited. Genius is often accompanied by madness.

4. They think too much and too complicated.

They can always associate the underlying meaning from the literal meaning, so that they are more tired than others in everything; they tend to be hesitant and miss the best time.

5. They get bored easily.

When a project, a relationship, or a person stops stimulating their brains, they feel that it's done. Therefore, they rarely stick to the end and often accomplish nothing.

6. It’s difficult for them to give and express love.

They are not sensitive to subtle things. Generally speaking, in relationships, they tend to ignore the hidden problems until they become too big to ignore. Because at any given time, they always have too many ideas in their minds, it is difficult to truly sympathize with others or feel sympathy.

7. They often feel lonely and depressed, and may even have no friend.

They tend to be alone and imprisoned themselves in a state of depression when something happens, which leads to deeper depression.

8. People have too much expectations of them.

Must they meet all people's expectations? These pressures may overwhelm them, because they are not machines.

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