Friday, October 23, 2020

Yourself a happy person

Why shouldn’t I?

It’s a matter of choice. I have so many reasons to be happy…

  1. First, I’m alive and well. The air I breathe, the food I eat, the water I drink. The places I travel to. I love traveling. The nice people I meet. The people who smile back at me when I smile at them. The new friends I make. I’ve nothing to complain about.
  2. I have more blessings to thank God for than I have reasons to complain. Which leaves me with more than a couple of reasons to smile and be happy.
  3. I have good friends and family to share life with. Therefore I make sure I’m not lonely. I could sometimes choose to be alone—out of necessity, but I’m never alone. This is something to be happy about.
  4. I love what I do. Although I’ve realized that money can sometimes buy happiness, this is not my main reason to be happy. In fact, most of the time I’m happy whether I have money or not.
  5. Heck, I could make money right here as I tell you this. Not that I care so much about money, anyway, but all the same I could make money just by doing what I do. By the moment you read this, I could make money—In ways, you won’t believe even if I told you.
  6. “Share the love”, the slogan goes. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Why? Because by sharing you release what you already have and create room for more. This is a simple principle that has been passed on for centuries. When you hoard, you leave no space to receive more. When you stack up things you no longer need, pressure starts to mount inside your brain and you’re no longer at peace with yourself. By giving you become lighter and happier.
  7. I have chosen one of the most life-fulfilling occupations in life; impacting others positively. This is one of my greatest reasons to be happy.
  8. Secondly, I enjoy sharing what I have and what I know. Most people actually believe that because knowledge is the key, it should be guarded fiercely. I am of a different opinion. Knowledge is something to be shared freely. That’s what keeps me happy.
  9. I have a good education but this is not my main reason to be happy. I’m happy when I share the knowledge I’ve gathered over the years. I’ve noticed that the more knowledge I share, the more of it I get and, therefore the happier I get.
  10. I have a beautiful wife who cares about me and I care about her. Together, we have a wonderful family comprising of a bunch of teenagers who are just beginning to learn about life. It was a wonderful experience watching them grow to where they are. At first, we were scared they would discover too much about the dark side of life and probably choose to do the wrong things, but we are relieved to notice that they all chose a good path for themselves. We consider ourselves blessed.
  11. One of the happiest moments of my life was when I fired my boss many years ago and chose a different path for myself. I chose freedom over job security. I chose to deliver value instead of trading my time for money. I chose to share knowledge rather than hoard it. I chose entrepreneurship over employment.
  12. The greatest moment of my life was when I discovered that I can create happiness for myself and others just by maintaining a positive mental attitude. More importantly, I discovered that I could actually decide to be happy or sad.
  13. There’s so much sadness in the world you can even touch it. In this bottomless gloom, I think it's great to be happy. One single happiness amid intense sadness is like lighting a candle in intense darkness. Despite all the darkness in the world, it can never put out a single candle. Imagine what impact it would make if ten people were happy. Imagine a thousand happy people. Imagine a million happy people. Imagine a billion happy people. And now imagine what would happen if all the 7.7 billion people in the world were happy.
  14. Since I’ve given you enough reasons why I consider myself a happy person, now it’s your turn. Happiness is contagious. Choose happiness and influence the world around you. Choose sadness and make the world around you sick.

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