Wednesday, March 25, 2015



Heartwarming Pictures of Animal Parenthood.

If you ever needed proof that the wild animal kingdom can also be a gentle place of 
love and caring, you need not look any farther. Our animal friends know very well 
how to take care of their young ones, and teach them the ways of the world. 
There is nothing cuter, and more heart warming, then looking at all of 
these beautiful animals and their sweet little "children":
A little bear kiss after a bath...
This mother found a great way to keep her children warm.
animal parenthood 
I guess this is how a foxes hold hands.
animal parenthood 
He really is taking them under his wings!
This baby giraffe still has some growing up to do, but he will get there.
animal parenthood 
Nothing feels better than a loving hug!
animal parenthood 
Family nap time.
animal parenthood

Even dogs nap together.
animal parenthood 
They even try to sleep like their mother.
animal parenthood 
Otters make for great floating beds.
animal parenthood 
Even animals are happy when their child walks for the first time.
animal parenthood 
"One day, I want to be as big and strong as you are!"
animal parenthood 
Even in the animal kingdom the children are in the back seat, while the parent is driving.
animal parenthood 
"I want a hug too!!!"
animal parenthood 
Going on a family trip.
animal parenthood 
When your children want to join you in bed but you just want to sleep for a little bit longer...
animal parenthood 
This is a penguin "kindergarten".
animal parenthood 
Children never like cleaning up...
animal parenthood
"And now my son, I will teach you something very impotent..."animal parenthood
Much like our children, animals don't always appreciate all the love they are getting.
animal parenthood

A Beluga Whale mother giving her child a piggy back ride.
It really is amazing how creatures so big can be this gentle.
"Today we are going to learn how to howl."
animal parenthood

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