Thursday, September 3, 2020

Some confidence hacks


What are some confidence hacks?

1. Realize that others don’t actually care about you.

Oftentimes, worrying about what others think of us may hold us back. However, the truth is that most people feel indifferent towards what you do or say. They may talk about you for a while not because they care, but because they just want to have something to talk about.

So don’t let your ego deceive you into thinking you are so important that others constantly scrutinise your every word and action.

After realising that, stress and pressure you feel will dissapear, replacing them with a feeling of freedom and confidence.

2. Acknowledge your small and big victories.

Look at your big or small wins you have achieved in life so far and give yourself credit for them. Remember, recognizing your victories is not something vain or egotistical but perfectly healthy.

3. Develop a positive mindset.

Stop telling yourself that you are not good enough and that you can’t or won’t get what you want.

Instead, keep telling yourself that you can and will get what you want. That you are good enough for getting the things you wish for.

Your mindset and attitude can be confidence booster or its demolisher. So make sure that yours is a positive one.

4. Listen to your doubts instead of silencing them.

Don’t immediately disregard your doubts. Because in certain cases, they can have some validity worth paying attention to. After which you can use them for shaping your decisions and moving forward.

So learn to distinguish whether your doubts are grounded on reality, or whether they are merely negative thoughts trying to hold you back from taking necessary actions.

5. Do not take yourself too seriously.

Learn how to laugh at yourself when you make some minor, unsignificant mistakes instead of harshly judging and criticising yourself for making them.

Life is difficult enough as it is and you don’t need additional self-inflicted stress just because you fell down.

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