Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Facts about Buddhism


What are some mind-blowing facts about Buddhism?

What are some fascinating facts about Buddha?

  1. He said, “I am not God. I am not a Deva. Nor am I a Human… I am the Awakened one, who has seen the Truth of the world.”
  2. He did a meticulous analysis of the mind in such a way that he was able to count all the atoms in his body.
  3. He said, “Nothing in this world is solid.” The modern meaning of which is that everything is made up of atoms and these atoms are repeatedly broken down and reformed.
  4. He was famous for another reason that he taught people of all languages ​​in their own language whoever met him. Although he chose the Pali language of the common people during discoursing in the assembly.
  5. No animal would ever harm him while meditating in the deep forest. It is believed that the animals were attracted to him, they looked at him calmly because of the power of his Metta/compassion.
  6. He gave the theory of rebirth. He observed himself spontaneously and said that he had become Buddha in this birth because of the good deeds of all previous births.
  7. He said that the ultimate goal of life is Nibbana, which means liberation from the cycle of life and death.
  8. A serial killer like Angulimala who killed 999 people, city prostitute like Amrapali, logical philosopher like Upali who challenged Buddha, all of them were initiated into his religion and became Arhants!
  9. From a very young age he would never make jokes, never gossiped, never made fun, but always had a glimpse of smile on his face that fascinated everyone.
  10. One day, while the he was going for alms, a little boy picked up a bowl of dust in front of the Buddha. The Buddha smiled softly and took the alms bowl forward. When Ananda asked the reason for Buddha's laughter, Buddha said, “This boy will reborn in the city of Pataliputta 239 years after my parinibbana (death) and will be the Chakkavatti emperor and will make history by building 84,000 metal temples for the benefit of Buddhist rule.” He was no one else, the Emperor Great Ashoka!
  11. He had a very good look, blue eyes, broad shoulders, long ears, mild curly hair and was full of compassion and mercy. It is said that a golden halo would come out of his fair body.
  12. He was born, enlightened and attained parinibbana on the same day. This day is the full moon of Baishakhi (May).
  13. Among the Buddha's many disciples, Ananda stood out for having the best memory. Most of the texts of the early Buddhist Sutta-Piṭaka are attributed to his pure recollection of the Buddha's teachings during the First Buddhist Council.
  14. Today his religion is considered the most scientific religion and there are some variations of it, it happened over time. The Buddha gave such knowledge of mind and body as it really is, not in the way of any religious belief!
  15. The monk has always fasted in his life and taught by traveling long distances on foot till his Nibbana.
  16. After attaining enlightenment, he reunited with his family and guided his father, mother, wife and son to Nibbana. Happy family!
  17. This great scientist was born more than 2500 years ago and his non-violence, Metta/friendship teaching and meditation techniques are still practiced which is appreciated all over the world.

18. The most fascinating thing about Buddha is that we can see him as a Human like us!

A man with a beautiful mind. He is not God, nor a god, nor a prophet. He is perfect just as a human being. Lived and died like human beings. There is no promise of heaven in his religion. No threat of hell. No need to pray. No compulsory to follow him. No mandatory rituals.

Following his teachings makes one a better person. The Dhamma is not harmed if one does not follow it. He/she will just miss the opportunity to be a better human.

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