Monday, May 18, 2015

Nature Creates the Most Beautiful Geometry.....

Nature Creates the Most Beautiful Geometry........................

I used to hate math when it was taught to me at school. It just never seemed to have a connection to real life. I forgot, you see, that the natural world makes use of mathematics all the time, and these fractal plants are just the proof of that. The language of God, as they say, is math. And so these beautiful plants (and one animal) represent both a real and a mathematical beauty.
plant geometry

Hoya Aldrichii
plant geometry

Aloe Polyphylla
plant geometry

Romanesco Broccoli
plant geometry

Crassula Buddha's Temple Plant
plant geometry

Amazon Lily Pad
plant geometry

A Jeweled Carpet...
plant geometry

Fractal Cabbage
plant geometry

plant geometry

Drosophyllum Lusitanicum
plant geometry

Spiraling Succulent
plant geometry

The Thinking Cactus
plant geometry

plant geometry

Viola Sacculus
plant geometry
Chameleon Tail
plant geometry

Leaf Ladder
plant geometry

Hoya Pubicalyx
plant geometry

Spiral Begonia
plant geometry

Hoya kerrii
plant geometry

Passiflora Caerulea 
plant geometry

Gorgeous Symmetry
plant geometry


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