Friday, November 7, 2008

How can I build confidence in myself?

Confidence is not something that only some people can have. It’s built brick by brick.
Here are 10 habits to build real confidence.
  1. Stop posting: If you are someone who has to share everything they do on social media you might want to rethink that. Are you doing it for other people’s approval or just because you want to?
  2. Remove Negative people: They are like leeches who feed off of your self-esteem. You can’t build confidence when someone is constantly destroying it, right?
  3. Exercise: It’s the quickest confidence boost you can get. Why do people post selfies after working out? Because they feel good about themselves.
  4. Career: If you are stuck in a dead-end job or hate what you do, how can you be confident? Transition into a career you want. Make a plan and act.
  5. Money: It’s very hard to feel any good emotion if you are constantly stressed about money. Having financial security will add to your confidence and improve your life.
  6. Don’t brag: People who constantly brag about their successes are the ones who are most insecure. There is nothing to prove.
  7. Counter-thoughts: Negative thoughts aren’t gonna stop but you can learn to shape and change them. Don’t listen to that voice that tells you-you aren’t good enough.
  8. Scary things: “A man can only be brave when he is afraid” Do something scary every day. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.
  9. Identify Insecurities: Whatever you are insecure about; either change it or accept it.
  10. Stop people pleasing: Take your time seriously. Learn to say no. Be comfortable with disagreement.